The Right Team In Place
Community Update August 2023
We are thrilled to report that the Weymouth Town Council has voted unanimously to approve the re- zoning plan needed to redevelop the South Weymouth Naval Air Station.
The recent approval is a major step forward for the planned mixed-used redevelopment, including a consolidated Open Space district around the perimeter of the base and reconnecting North and South Open Spaces by turning the runways into greenways.
The unanimous Weymouth Town Council vote followed prior unanimous approvals of the base re- zoning by the Southfield Redevelopment Authority, the Weymouth Planning Board, and the Weymouth Town Council’s ordinance committee.
We are grateful for the thorough vetting and approval of the zoning plan by Weymouth officials, and are now working to present the base re-zoning plan in Abington and Rockland.
Presentations in both towns are being made to Select Boards, Planning Boards, Open Space Committees, Department heads, seniors, community groups, and others. The base rezoning plan will go before Abington voters at a Special Town Meeting Oct. 14 and before Rockland voters at a Special Town Meeting on Nov. 7.
We particularly wish to thank residents of the base in Weymouth for their continued support, including more than 150 supporters who attended public hearings and more than 700 who signed petitions in favor of the rezoning and redevelopment.
The Project Development Team
Brookfield Properties is a fully-integrated, global real estate company that provides industry-leading portfolio management and development capabilities across a broad range of real estate investment strategies including office, retail, residential, mixed-use, hospitality and multifamily
New England Development generates long-term value to communities, customizing solutions for each setting. We’re invested in the communities in which we are a part, and take an all-inclusive approach to development. From the outset, we seek input from community leaders, and partner with state and city entities, neighbors, residents, and tenants. The result: projects that add lasting value to the communities in which we do business – adding to the tax base, improving infrastructure, and creating jobs